Logo Arbres remarquables

The Remarkable Tree label of the A.R.B.R.E.S association was awarded in 2008 for all the trees of the park. Let’s meet some spectacular trees!

The lime tree cordata and the Vancouver grandis

Le tilleul et sa triple couronne de buis

Lime cordata and its boxwood crown

After walking along a few conifers, Sitka spruce, Atlas blue cedars and Himalayan pines, the path, punctuated by hackberry trees and yew trees that form green buttresses along the wall, leads the visitor to a mound on which sits a majestic lime tree surrounded by a triple crown of boxwood.

Le hêtre pourpre

The purple beech

A few meters further on, on the right, a purple beech has blossomed.

Le bouquet de grandis

The Vancouver grandis

Opposite the bamboo spring, on the left, a bunch of very tall (50 m) Vancouver grandis is worth a look.

Along the way... The unchanging silhouettes of the two oaks and the giants of the park

Les deux chênes

Two oaks

Further on, two large oaks, standing like immutable sentinels, introduce the walker to a new landscape, followed by two twin purple beeches.

Le cyprès géant

Lawson cypress

The eye is drawn to a giant Lawson cypress, an opening allows you to enter a plant cathedral that covers 300 m2 on the ground! The tree has a central trunk and seven lateral trunks formed by “suckering” roots.

Le tronc du séquoia géant

One of the largest sequoias in France

Then dominates the giant sequoia with its 45 m height and its 10.70 m circumference, one of the most imposing in France.


Some venerable trees around the water feature

Le tulipier de Virginie

Tulip tree of Virginia

Near the pond, the bald cypress has intertwined its top with the branches of a large American oak. Then the eye is drawn to a tulip tree of Virginia, one of the oldest of the park.

Le hêtre pourpre près de l'étang

Purple beech

The purple beech, unfortunately senescent, overhangs different species of alders (glutinous, imperial and cordata).

Mélèze d'Europe

The 5 lime trees and the larch

The walk ends with a bunch of five lime trees with small and large leaves, not far from an old European larch, another oldest tree of the park.